Thursday, April 3, 2014

San Diego Holiday Vacation

We decided to surprise our kids with a trip to San Diego over their winter break from school.  We told them to pack their bags and gave them a list of what they needed to bring.  They were both excited to find out we were going on a family vacation. :)

We stayed at a hotel in Old Town San Diego. We love the atmosphere of Old Town! 

We visited the Mormon Battalion Museum.  The tour was really entertaining, I highly recommend it!


                                                    We saw the USS Midway Museum.


We spent an afternoon at Sea Port Village.  We had lunch, walked through the gift shops
 and watched street performers. 




                                              We went to La Jolla Cove to see the Sea Lions.

They were so cool!


We spent an afternoon at La Jolla Beach. 


Kaylee spent almost an hour walking around the beach putting sea weed into a big pile. 

We picked up some dinner and then took it back to the hotel room to eat it and watch a movie.