Thursday, April 3, 2014

Why We Want to Adopt

  We love our life and feel we have been blessed with a lot. Our children have brought us our greatest joy and experiences.  We have learned and grown so much through being their parents.

   Before we got married we decided we wanted to have five or six kids.  Starting our family ended up being harder than we thought it would be.  We had one specialist tell us that we would never be able to have children.  We weren't in a financial situation to be able to afford to adopt at that time in our lives.  We continued to pray and wanted to start a family more than anything else.  We were excited and surprised to find out that I was expecting Kaden after almost four years of trying to get pregnant.   We were again pleasantly surprised to find out we were expecting Kaylee after almost another year of trying to get pregnant.  I haven't been able to get pregnant since. It has been a very difficult trial to bear, however, we know that we have grown closer to God through this trial and we are thankful for that.

  We have fasted and prayed a lot. We have an overwhelming feeling that there is a child missing from our family.  We know that God is over this process and when the timing is right he will open a door and send the right child to our family. We trust in his timing, even though it is so hard to wait.  In the mean time we are working on preparing our family and our home for their arrival.  We can hardly wait for the day we can finally meet and hold our next child.  All four of us are baby hungry. It's a good thing a baby can't be loved too much because our baby is going to be the center of our world. :)

We would love to add (at least) two more children to our family.  We have loved how Kaden and Kaylee have grown up being best friends.  We want our other children to have a sibling close in age to grow up with as well.

We know that God is over this process.  We know that he loves all of his children and trust that he will help guide the right child/children to our family.