Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Mickey's Halloween Party

If you have never been to Disneyland at Halloween time then you need to go! It is so much fun. They decorate the park and you can attend Mickey's Halloween Party. The party was definitely the highlight of our trip. We had so much FUN!
Our family went with the superhero theme. I love how my parents dressed up as convicts, it made for a great superhero picture. :)
We are blessed to be part of such a fun family. All of my side of the family was there except for my youngest brother. My cousin and his family along with Geoff's brother and his family joined us too. 

Trick or Treating was so much fun. They had different paths throughout the park. There were about six carts on each path. They passed out handfuls of candy. They even had healthy snack options that you could request. 

The Halloween Party included a special Halloween Parade and fireworks.

 We found Mickey and Minnie as we were leaving the party.  It was a great way to end a fun night.


We brought home A LOT of candy from the party. 

It was a fun and magical night. Hopefully we will be able to go again someday.