Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Thanksgiving 2014

We spent Thanksgiving in St. George with Geoff's side of the family. We had so much fun and like always the time went by way too fast. I was in charge of the place settings. The theme for the kids' table was based off of The Charlie Brown Thanksgiving movie. In the movie Snoopy serves popcorn, jelly beans, toast and pretzels for Thanksgiving dinner. 
Geoff's mom outdid herself with the Thanksgiving dinner. There was so much to choose from and it was all delicious. Unfortunately, we forgot to take a picture of all of the adults at the table.  This year we had two of Geoff's brothers and their families, Geoff's parents, his aunt and uncle, and one of his cousins. 

I put together a Thanksgiving play for the kids. They all loved acting it out and they did a great job!

After dinner we visited, played some games in the backyard and then Geoff put on a movie for the kids in his parent's garage. They all loved it and kept begging to watch more movies. The next day the girls went Black Friday shopping while the guys went target shooting.

 We spent our last day hiking the red rocks. It was a perfect day for it, the weather was beautiful.

We stayed at a hotel and the kids loved it.

We stopped in Vegas for a night and stayed at the Excalibur. We let the kids play in the arcade, checked out the new Hershey's Chocolate World and bumped into Santa for a quick picture. :)