Friday, March 28, 2014

The Gunnerson Family


This is Geoff's side of the family. He has five brothers. There are currently 20 grand kids and one more on the way! 


These are Geoff's parents. 

This is the most recent picture we have of all six brothers.

The five sister-in-laws.  Uncle Tom isn't married yet. 

After we took this picture we realized one of our nephews was missing from it. We have also added 2 new nephews to the family and have another niece on the way!  We love having lots of cousins to play with!

Geoff's parents live in the St. George area.  There are some beautiful places to hike near their home. 


This is a fun rec center near their house. 

Our family was over planning the last reunion. We had it at Geoff's family cabin.
We played Minute-to-Win-it.

We had a pinata for the kids.

In the morning some of the guys went fishing while the rest of us stayed back at the cabin for a yummy breakfast and arts & crafts.

Uncle Rick plays his guitar by the campfire while we roast marshmallows and eat smores.

The kids always think it's fun to shoot the bb gun with their Grandpa.

The kids all sleep together upstairs.

The kids like watching movies and eating popcorn in the upstairs loft. 

They also like to play games together.

 Babies get a lot of attention in this family, especially from the girls. :)

Our sister-in-law Haylee always makes things so fun! She put this dinner together.

This was an awards ceremony for the arts & crafts and the fishing contest. 

This year Kaden won the fishing contest! The grand prize was a new fishing pole.