Friday, April 4, 2014

Christmas Day

We have the kids wait at the top of the stairs while we go downstairs and turn on the lights, fireplace and music. This last year I forgot to turn on the fireplace, however, we did end up turning it on after we went back downstairs.

The kids find their stockings and pile of gifts left from Santa. After opening their stockings they take turns opening their Santa gifts and then we take a break for breakfast.  After breakfast we open our family gifts to each other.

The Dew family tradition is to make a breakfast casserole, scones (Indian Fry Bread), and hot chocolate. 


                         Santa also leaves a couple gifts for the family. Last Christmas
                         he gave us Disney Infinity and some movies. 

Two years ago we got a trampoline for Christmas.

Last year we got new bikes so that we can go on family bike rides.

                          If it is a year we are in Utah then all of the aunts, uncles and
                          cousins come over to my parents house and we take turns opening gifts. 


 We spend the rest of the day relaxing, playing with new toys and watching some of our new movies.