Thursday, April 3, 2014

General Conference

 General Conference is a BIG deal in our family, we love it! We look forward to it every spring and fall.  We usually have Indian Fry bread/scones for breakfast one day and french toast or cinnamon rolls the other day. We also have a nice Sunday dinner.

 When the kids were little we would set up a tent for conference and read the King Benjamin story. Due to our current furniture arrangements and the placing of our TV we haven't had room to set one up. I told Geoff I wanted to make a tent out of blankets that would go over our couch. The next day he went to Lowe's and bought some PVC pipes and connectors. He came home and created this awesome indoor tent for us. We loved it and spent all weekend sitting under it cuddling, watching conference and eating lots of yummy food. From now on we will be setting this tent up for every General Conference. We are excited to have this new tradition!

 We always print off an activity packet for the kids do to.  The kids think they are fun and the packets help them stay focused and take notes.  We also have snack/treat baskets for each of our kids. They get to choose one snack and drink out of it for each session. They love these baskets.


The girls attend the general women's meeting and the boys attend the priesthood meeting together. It is one of our traditions to take the kids out for dinner &/or a treat after the meetings.