Friday, April 4, 2014

The Dew Family

This picture was taken on the day of Kaylee's baptism. We now have two more nieces in the family. My sister is also missing from this picture, she had to work that day.

Whenever we are in town we always make a stop at La Frontera's Mexican Restaurant.  We love Mexican food!

My parents always buy a new pair of pajamas for the grand kids to open on Christmas Eve. 

                                        The grand kids act out the nativity story on Christmas Eve.

Every Christmas season my mom makes the BEST divinity and carrot pudding. She also has a gingerbread house decorating day for the grand kids.  Sometimes she even hosts a candy making day. 


Last summer we had a girls day out. We took the girls to a movie and out to eat. 

Our kids LOVE grandma's bonzai slide. It is always a lot of work to set it up and put it back away but my mom does it every summer because the kids love it.  (she is the best grandma) The ladies visit and drink lemonade while the kids play. 

My parent's backyard is like a big park, the kids love it!

They also love grandma and grandpa's bathtub. They fit in it better when they were younger. :)


These are my parents. They are amazing!

I love this picture of Kaylee and my dad looking at the SLC temple.

Last time we were in town visiting my mom took the grand kids to the Dinosaur Museum at Thanksgiving Point.  We had to take a picture since they were all wearing pink!

Grandpa  is always taking the kids out for a yummy treat or taking them somewhere fun to ride go carts or play arcade games. 

Every summer grandma takes the grand kids to Lagoon. The kids love going on rides with their cousins and playing in the water park. 


Grandpa and Grandma Dew own some property at Bear Lake. We try to make a visit once each summer.
The kids love spending quality time with their cousins, roasting marshmallows, riding the 4 wheelers, playing in the lake, making arts & crafts, eating homemade ice cream, going on treasure hunts, playing games, riding the go carts, going on hikes and eating out at the local restaurants.

Our kids love riding my parent's 4 wheelers and would ride them all day non-stop if we would let them. 

This is a view of the lake from their property.