Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Christmas Eve


Christmas Eve morning we take the kids out for breakfast/brunch. Geoff has them close their eyes and then places a Build-A-Bear gift certificate in their hands.  Even though they know what they are going to get they are always excited to get it. :)                    
                                                                  Christmas Eve 2012

They also get to open their Christmas Eve pajamas from their grandpa and grandma Dew.

We have a nice dinner, usually with turkey or ham. 

If it is a year we are spending it in Utah with the Dew side then we get Prime Rib.

When we stay in Arizona we celebrate Christmas Eve with our Good friends the Browns. We have an adult table and a kids table.


We always decorate sugar cookies and the kids leave a couple out with a glass of milk for Santa.


                            The kids act out the nativity while we read Luke 2 from the Bible.