Tuesday, April 1, 2014


We spend a good portion of the summer in our swimming pool. 
  Kaylee will go swimming 2-3 times a day during the summer. 

 One day a week we have a baking class.  We make a yummy treat and eat it.  We deliver some of the leftovers to neighbors and friends.  Some of our favorite treats to make are rice krispie treats, muddy buddies, cookies, brownies and cakes.                                      

We have an arts and crafts day once a week.  A couple summers ago we hosted a summer arts & crafts day for the neighbor kids.  At the end of the summer we had an art show.  Click here to see pictures of it.
 We attend the weekly summer kids movies with some of our friends.  We also sign up for the library summer reading program and go to the library once a week.


Kaylee is part of a Broadway Youth Choir during the summers. She loves it and we enjoy watching her perform at the end of the summer.  

This is our favorite local swimming pool. It has water slides, a lazy river, diving boards, a playground and a whirl pool. Our kids also like picking out a treat from the refreshment stand. 
We also go boating 2-4 times a month during the summer.

The highlight of our summer is always escaping the heat and visiting family and friends in Utah. Some of our annual summer traditions are going to Lagoon, Bear Lake, the Gunnerson family cabin and having sleepovers with cousins.