Monday, September 15, 2014

Utah Summer Vacation 2014

We loved spending time with the Gunnerson family at the family cabin. We played games, roasted marshmallows, went on a hike, ate yummy food and rode four wheelers. 

Uncle Darin helped the kids build a fort. 

Grandma Dew hosted her annual bonzai slide party. The kids loved it when Grandpa got out his riding lawn mower and gave them rides around the backyard. 

It was a perfect day!

Grandma Dew took the kids to Lagoon. This year Kaylee was more daring on and went on all of the roller coasters. The kids had a blast running from one ride to the next. It was a fun day.

My mom's side of the family had a girls' overnighter at a condo in Heber. We started by shopping at the Park City Outlets, then went out for dinner and ended the day swimming and playing cards until 2 in the morning. It was so much fun spending time with my aunts and cousins.

The Dew family met up at Thanksgiving Point to try out the new Museum of Natural Curiosity.  We were all impressed and ended up spending all day there. There is so much to do and see. The kids loved it. 

Jadi's brother, Brandon and his wife Nickole hosted a BBQ on the 4th of July. Geoff and Kaden made homemade rootbeer and it was delicious!  Thanks to Nickole's brother and Jadi's dad we had lots of fireworks. We ended up finishing them off the next night. 

We had so much fun. We always love spending time with family and escaping the Arizona heat. We look forward to our summer visits every year.