Friday, April 4, 2014

About Us

                                        Thank you for taking the time to get to know us!

  We have been married for 16 years.  We have two children, both of whom we believe are quite amazing.  During those 16 incredible years we have moved several times, primarily due to Geoff's schooling and career.  We spent the first seven years of our marriage in Utah (where both of our children were born).  We left Utah in 2004 so that Geoff could attend Law School in Laramie, Wyoming.  Upon graduation in May 2007, we decided to move to Gainesville, Florida, so that Geoff could further his educational and career pursuits by attending the University of Florida's LLM program.  After graduation in 2008, we moved our family to Odenton, Maryland (a Washington, D.C., bedroom community), for Geoff to begin his career as an Attorney Advisor at the United States Tax Court.  After two and a half wonderful years living near Washington, D.C., we desired to move back West to be nearer to our extended families.  Having accepted a position as an attorney for a law firm in Arizona, we have now settled down in a nice Phoenix bedroom community.

  We love the friendships, adventures and experiences each of these location have afforded us and will always treasure those memories.  We are thankful, however, to finally be settled in an ideal place to raise our children that provides them with the comfort of stability.  We love our neighbors, schools, ward(church) and community.

  We live in a nice suburban neighborhood with great neighbors.  Our neighborhood is very community oriented.  Some of the annual festivities in our neighborhood include, but are not limited to, an Easter breakfast and egg hunt, a Halloween potluck dinner, a Thanksgiving morning fun run and breakfast, a gingerbread house decorating party and a Christmas Eve ham and waffle breakfast.  Our neighborhood boasts many children of all ages.  Afternoons are filled with friends, kids playing and moms socializing.

  We live in a two-story, five bedroom, three bathroom home with the customary family room, living room, dining room and a large bonus/play/movie room.  Many hot Summer days are spent either in our gated swimming pool or on our boat at the lake.  Additionally, there are several parks within our neighborhood.

  Some of the highlights of a normal week at our house include Family Home Evening on Monday night, a family game night on Tuesday, a family movie night on Friday, Date night (for dad and mom) and going to church on Sunday.  We enjoy going out to eat, having dinners outside on our back patio, going on family bike rides, spending afternoons at the park, boating, swimming in our pool, watching movies in our bonus/theater room and having friends over for dinner.

  We have been hoping, praying and patiently waiting to expand our family for several years.  Each of us are excited and anxious to welcome a new child into our loving family.  Our next child will be spoiled with love and attention.  We will ensure that he/she has the opportunities and tools necessary to be successful in this life.  We will do our best to teach him/her compassion, responsibility, respect, gratitude, and help him/her discover his/her passions and a love for life.