Friday, April 4, 2014


I just realized I don't have any recent pictures of JUST me.  I am always the one taking the pictures.  I think this one will work since Geoff is my second half anyway. :)

I came from a good LDS home. I have four siblings, three brothers and one sister. I grew up with two brothers. One 18 months older and the other 4 years younger.  When I was 18 years old my parents adopted my two youngest siblings. This has given us a unique perspective to see how adoption can affect children in both positive and challenging ways.  I am a full time stay at home mom and I LOVE it! I feel blessed that I haven't had to miss out on anything with my kids.  I love the gospel and I am thankful for the blessings and happiness it brings into my life. I am currently serving as the 1st counselor in the Primary Presidency in our ward and I love it!  My passions include baking, photography, graphic design, Photoshop and nutrition. I LOVE to travel and see new places. I am always looking forward to the next vacation or get-a-way. This fall we are planning on meeting my extended family at Disneyland. I also love to celebrate holidays and special occasions. Traditions are important to me.  Most of all, I love being a wife and mother.